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What is Business Development?

Business Development is a process aimed at growing a company and making it more successful. That can include seeking new business opportunities, building and sustaining connections with existing clients, entering strategic partnerships, and devising other plans to boost profits and market share.

 10 Potential Areas for Business Development in an Organization:

Here is a summary list of potential areas that business development may get involved in, depending on the organization.

1. Market research and analysis 

2. Sales and lead generation

3. Strategic partnerships and alliances

4. Product development and innovation

5. Customer relationship management

6. Strategic planning and business modeling

7. Mergers and acquisitions

8. Brand management and marketing

9. Financial analysis and funding

10. Innovation and emerging technologies

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I am Emmanuel Ojo, a Business Development Specialist and Product Manager who helps businesses Generate Income and Reduce Costs through different Avenues and Build Innovative Products for Exceptional User Experiences and Business Growth.

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