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Do you know that people form a solid impression of you within the first seven seconds of meeting you?

Some research suggests that traits such as trustworthiness are determined in as little as one-tenth of a second.

They say not to judge a book by its cover, but we do, and there’s a psychological reason for this; our brains are wired for self-protection.

It takes just a glance, maybe three seconds, for someone to evaluate you when you meet for the first time. In this short time, the other person forms an opinion about you based on your appearance, your body language, your demeanor, your mannerisms, and how you are dressed.

This is important for people of every field which entails meeting people onsite or online to do presentations, marketing, sales, etc.

These are 12 ways people judge you when they meet you for the first time:

1. Appearance

2. Your Posture Actions or Body language

3. Your Speaking Style

4. Choice of Colors

5. Repetitive Nervous Habits

6. Your Facial Expressions

7. Your Voice

8. Eye Contact

9. How Often You Talk About Yourself

10. Trustworthiness

11. Phone Usage Patterns

12. The Way You Treat Others

I am Emmanuel Ojo, a Business Development Specialist and Product Manager who helps Businesses Generate Income and Reduce Costs through different Avenues and Build Innovative Products for Exceptional User Experiences and Business Growth.

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