Activities that can earn you points

Watch the video to see the actives that can earn you points.


At Pillarcom Community everyone earns. While you earn cash rewards for your effort and contribution in the community, you also earn points that moves you towards becoming a leader and property owner in the community.

The Goodnews is that as simple as login, can earn you points. Also, being actively involved in the community such as constant posting of educative, motivational, entertaining content may also earn you points.

More so, all registered members in the community get Free weekly points, this does not require any effort from you. All you need to do is to login and load point vouchers code received.

However the more free weekly points you received is determine by your membership plan and your active involvement in the weekly meetings either online or offline. While some membership plan get it ones a week some get it more than twice a week.

“Remember, the more points you get, the faster you achieve your dream goal of becoming a landlord of a multi-million naira home.”


Aside the free points, you can also engage yourself in some other activities that can give you high volume of points.

Such activities include:

Signup to Pillarcom- you get 100 points

Sell properties- you get up to 2Million Points from sales accumulation

Refer friends and family to participate in Pillarcom – you get up to 5,000 points person

Organize seminar/training/events- you get up to 5,000 points

Participate in event/marketing campaign/ inspection tour- you get up to 1,000

Share Testimonies – you get up to 2,000 points

Buy or invest in Property - you earn up to 1Million points. Applicable to star landlords only

Content creation for promotions – you earn up tp 1,000 points

Upgrade to 1-star landlord – you get 10,000 points

Upgrade to 3-star landlord – you get 40,000 points

Upgrade to 5-star landlord – you get 100,000 points


More ways to earn points
Below is a list of all the available activities for which you can earn or lose points. Most active members will take an honorific place on the leaderboard.
Quizzes Reward Daily Limit
correct quiz answer Content's author 3 ps., Executor 2 ps. 100
Albums Reward Daily Limit
new item added Content's author 2 ps. 2
new comment for media file Comment's author 0 ps., Content's author 1 ps. 4
posted comment Comment's author 0 ps., Content's author 1 ps. 2
removed comment Comment's author 0 ps., Content's author 0 ps., Executor 2 ps. no limit
media comment was removed Comment's author 0 ps., Content's author 0 ps., Executor 2 ps. no limit
set emoji reaction to an item Content's author 0 ps., Voter 1 ps. 2
set emoji reaction to a comment Content's author 0 ps., Voter 1 ps. 3
voted for media file Content's author 0 ps., Voter 1 ps. 3
score Up Content's author 0 ps., Executor 1 ps. 2
Albums item was edited Content's author 1 ps. 1
mark as featured item Content's author 0 ps., Executor 2 ps. 6
media was removed Content's author 2 ps., Executor 0 ps. no limit
new media file was added Executor 1 ps. no limit
Channels Reward Daily Limit
set emoji reaction to an item Content's author 0 ps., Voter 1 ps. 1
react to an item Content's author 0 ps., Voter 1 ps. 2
set emoji reaction to a comment Content's author 0 ps., Voter 1 ps. 1
score Up Content's author 0 ps., Executor 1 ps. 1
mark as featured item Content's author 0 ps., Executor 1 ps. 1
removed comment's emoji reaction Content's author 3 ps., Voter 0 ps. no limit
removed emoji reaction Content's author 3 ps., Voter 0 ps. no limit
cancel vote Content's author 5 ps., Voter 0 ps. no limit
removed featured mark Content's author 2 ps., Executor 0 ps. 10
Contact Reward Daily Limit
sent contact email Executor 1 ps. no limit
Conversations Reward Daily Limit
new item added Executor 1 ps. 1
posted comment Comment's author 0 ps., Content's author 1 ps. 1
removed comment Comment's author 3 ps., Content's author 0 ps., Executor 0 ps. no limit
Courses Reward Daily Limit
new item added Executor 3 ps. 2
item deleted Executor 2 ps. 1
react to an item Content's author 0 ps., Voter 2 ps. no limit
score Down Content's author 0 ps., Executor 0 ps. no limit
score Up Content's author 0 ps., Executor 1 ps. no limit
new Courses participant joined Content's author 1 ps., Invitee 0 ps. 2
member sent join request Content's author 1 ps., Invitee 0 ps. 2
join request was accepted by author(admin) Content's author 1 ps., Invitee 0 ps. 2
Events Reward Daily Limit
new item added Content's author 1 ps. 5
fan was removed Initiator 2 ps., Object 3 ps. 2
unfollow content Initiator 0 ps., Object 5 ps. no limit
cancel join request Initiator 0 ps., Object 5 ps. no limit
new Events participant joined Content's author 2 ps., Invitee 0 ps. 4
member sent join request Content's author 1 ps., Invitee 0 ps. 2
Files Reward Daily Limit
new item added Executor 1 ps. 2
posted comment Comment's author 0 ps., Content's author 2 ps. 4
removed comment Comment's author 2 ps., Content's author 0 ps., Executor 0 ps. no limit
Discussions Reward Daily Limit
new item added Executor 1 ps. no limit
posted comment Comment's author 0 ps., Content's author 1 ps. 2
removed comment Comment's author 2 ps., Content's author 0 ps., Executor 0 ps. no limit
set emoji reaction to a comment Content's author 0 ps., Voter 1 ps. 1
react to an item Content's author 0 ps., Voter 1 ps. 2
score Up Content's author 0 ps., Executor 1 ps. 1
add to favorite list Content's author 0 ps., Executor 1 ps. 1
mark as featured item Content's author 0 ps., Executor 1 ps. 1
Groups Reward Daily Limit
new item added Executor 1 ps. 2
posted comment Comment's author 0 ps., Content's author 1 ps. 1
removed comment Comment's author 2 ps., Content's author 0 ps., Executor 0 ps. 10
followed new content Initiator 1 ps., Object 0 ps. 1
unfollow content Initiator 0 ps., Object 2 ps. no limit
score Up Content's author 0 ps., Executor 2 ps. 2
mark as featured item Content's author 0 ps., Executor 1 ps. 1
join request was accepted by author(admin) Content's author 1 ps., Invitee 0 ps. 2
Invitations Reward Daily Limit
sent invitation Executor 1 ps. 2
Messenger Reward Daily Limit
added talk's participant Content author 0 ps., Executor 0 ps., Profile 1 ps. 1
created a talk Executor 1 ps. 1
leave a talk Content's author 1 ps., Executor 0 ps. no limit
joined to the talk Content's author 0 ps., Executor 0 ps. no limit
react to a message Content author 1 ps., Executor 0 ps. 2
Organizations Reward Daily Limit
new item added Executor 1 ps. no limit
followed new content Initiator 1 ps., Object 0 ps. 1
unfollow content Initiator 0 ps., Object 3 ps. no limit
friend removed Initiator 0 ps., Object 3 ps. no limit
Payments Reward Daily Limit
payment was successfully registered Executor 10 ps. 100
subscription was updated Executor 5 ps. 10
Persons Reward Daily Limit
new item added Executor 1 ps. 2
posted comment Comment's author 0 ps., Content's author 1 ps. 2
removed comment Comment's author 0 ps., Content's author 3 ps., Executor 0 ps. 10
followed new content Initiator 2 ps., Object 0 ps. no limit
unfollow content Initiator 0 ps., Object 5 ps. 20
mark as featured item Content's author 0 ps., Executor 2 ps. 5
changed profile cover Executor 1 ps. 2
changed profile picture Executor 2 ps. 2
Photos Reward Daily Limit
new item added Executor 1 ps. 2
posted comment Comment's author 0 ps., Content's author 1 ps. 1
removed comment Comment's author 2 ps., Content's author 0 ps., Executor 0 ps. 5
Polls Reward Daily Limit
new item added Executor 1 ps. 2
posted comment Comment's author 0 ps., Content's author 1 ps. 1
removed comment Comment's author 0 ps., Content's author 4 ps., Executor 0 ps. no limit
set emoji reaction to an item Content's author 0 ps., Voter 1 ps. 1
participate in polls voting Content's author 0 ps., Voter 1 ps. 2
mark as featured item Content's author 0 ps., Executor 1 ps. 2
Posts Reward Daily Limit
new item added Executor 1 ps. 1
Tasks Reward Daily Limit
new item added Executor 5 ps. 3
Assigned to the task Content's author 3 ps., Executor 2 ps. 5
posted comment Comment's author 3 ps., Content's author 2 ps. 5
Completed task Content's author 0 ps. no limit
score Up Content's author 0 ps., Executor 0 ps. no limit
Timeline Reward Daily Limit
posted comment Comment's author 0 ps., Content's author 1 ps. no limit
react to an item Content's author 0 ps., Voter 1 ps. no limit
Videos Reward Daily Limit
posted comment Comment's author 0 ps., Content's author 2 ps. no limit
Videos item was edited Executor 1 ps. 1
add to favorite list Content's author 0 ps., Executor 1 ps. no limit
Profile Reward Daily Limit
profile activated Profile 1 ps. 1
added profile Profile 1 ps. no limit
has got new friend Initiator 1 ps., Object 0 ps. no limit
unfriend profile Initiator 0 ps., Object 1 ps. no limit
site login Profile 1 ps. 1